Against Me! – Searching For A Former Clarity with korean translate


Yeah, I heard ‘Mehr Politik, weniger Besucher’ around MyFest. That seems like a last day of MyFest. Last few years, I enjoyed well sometime within’. But I know that part of enjoyment on MyFest is not for Mayday. It’s like a Pseudo-happiness as Carnival of Every single years.


I would to drop some short writes about history of MyFest, why that’s not longer, and what happened both of cities.. Berlin and Seoul. (Yes, especially Gentrification..) And what we should to do both of cities.. Berlin and Seoul. Suddenly I thought this song is right for this moment. I will listen this song whole night until Sun rises again.

Against Me – Searching for a former clarity

No the doctors didn’t tell you,
어떤 의사들도 네게 말하지 않았지,
that you were dying.
네가 죽어가고 있다는 것을.
They just collected their money,
그들은 그저 그들의 돈을 챙기느라 바빴고,
And sent you on your way.
죽어가는 널 내버려뒀어.
But you knew all along,
하지만 넌 모든 일을 알고 있었고,
went on pretending nothing was wrong,
아무 것도 잘못되지 않은 척 하고,
you said “I will keep my focus, till the end”.
“나는 마지막까지 내 길을 갈테야” 라 했지.


And in the journal you kept,
그리고 네가 붙잡은 신문지 뭉치,
by the side of your bed.
네 침대 옆에 있던.
You wrote nightly in aspiration,
넌 밤새도록 열망 속에서
of developing as an author.
어느 작가처럼 성장시키며 적어내렸지.
Confessing childhood secrets,
어린 시절의 비밀들을 고백하면서
of dressing up in women’s clothes,
여자 옷들을 입은 일들,
Compulsions you never knew the reasons to,
네가 절대 알지 못했던 충동에 대한 이유들;


Well everyone, you ever meet or love,
그래 모두들, 너는 지금까지 만나거나, 사랑하는 일들,
be just relationship based on a false presumption,
그 일들은 단지 잘못된 가정에 기초한 관계일 뿐이야.
despite everyone, you ever meet or love,
모두들 그럼에도 불구하고, 너는 지금까지 만나거나 끝까지 사랑하길,
in the end, will you be all alone?
너는 혼자 되고 싶은거니?


As the disease spreads slowly through your body,
질병이 서서히 네 몸으로 퍼져나가는 것처럼,
pumped by your heart to the tips of your arms and your legs,
너의 심장으로부터 너의 팔과 다리 끝까지 뿜어져 나가고,
your greatest fear was that your mind wouldn’t last,
너의 가장 큰 공포는 네가 뜻한 바가 끝이 아니길 바라는 것이었고,
your coherency and alertness would be the first things to fade,
네 일관성과 조심성은 사라질 제일 첫번째 것이 될 것이고,
as your hair thinned, as the weight fell off, as your teeth blackened,
가늘어진 네 머리칼처럼, 줄어든 몸무게처럼, 검게 퇴색된 치아처럼
as the lesions spotted your skin,
생리적 장애가 네 피부에서 발견되고,
as you fell to your knees in the center of the stage,
네가 무대 한복판에서 풀썩 주저 앉는 것처럼,
as you offered witness to mortality in exchange for the ticket price,
네가 제안 받은 피할수 없는 죽음의 증인이된 것처럼,
as the lights blended into the continuing noise,
빛들이 지속적인 소음 속에 섞여버린 것처럼,
as all hope was finally lost.
모든 희망들을 결국에 잃어버린 것들처럼.
Adrenaline carried one last thought to fruition.
아드레날린은 결실을 위한 마지막을 가져왔어.


Let this be the end.
이것으로 끝내도록 하자.
Let this be the last song.
이 곡이 마지막 곡이 되도록하자.
Let this be the end.
이것으로 끝내도록 하자.
Let all be forgiven.
모두가 용서받을 수 있도록.