진보당 해산 판결에 부쳐..

Read this article first: S.Korea court  orders dissolution of a leftist party.

27 years of ’87 system with S.Korean democracy was just fantasy?
In this moment, I can’t believe anything. A year, Activists friends and some professors have been telling me: “Don’t back to Korea. This year, the domestic situation is so serious. Not only activists and leftists, many people investigated, arrested and sued by government and police department.” That time, I just thought that happening usual thing with conservative swing government.
But a hour ago, S.Korea Court orders dissolution of a leftist party. Even Court orders disqualification to 5 congressmen of this party.
How could happen like this? How do you think about S.Korea? World most huge cyber game scene? Psy that Gangnam-style? Kimchi? But inside of S.Korea gonna be very conservative, even some far-right groups benchmarking German Neo-Nazi with gale of Nationalism and Patriotism.
Now, I having a question. Around 88 olympic brought ’87 system democracy with gradual cultural opening policy and free travel to oversea country policy, that was not aspiration to blooming democracy in S.Korea. That was just growing rapidly a developing country in Asia dreamed libidinal fantasy about western civilization.
I’ve been just in a complete daze since hearing the news and getting angry.
In any case, today S.Korea wipe out freedom of thought that we raised OUR FREEDOM OF THOUGHT WITH THE BLOOD AND DUST ON OUR HANDS from 1987.

27년간의 ’87년 체제가 가져온 민주주의가 이렇게 유명무실하게 붕괴하는 것을 보는 지금, 나는 그런 의문이 든다. 88년 올림픽 전후로 이루어진 점진적 문화개방과 해외자유여행과 함께 일구어낸 ’87년 체제는 민주주의에 대한 열망이 꽃 피우기 시작한 것이 아니라, 단지 아시아의 어느 개발도상국이 꿈꾸던 서구 문명에 대한 리비도적 판타지였을 뿐인가.
어쨌든, 오늘 한국은 우리 손에 담긴 피와 먼지들로 이루어낸 사상의 자유를 스스로 파괴해버렸다.